
InduSafe is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the EXIST start-up grant in 2021.
InduSafe GmbH develops AI software solutions to produce more easily and effectively in the new production era for production facilities.
In the new production era, InduSafe GmbH develops AI software solutions for production facilities to enable easier and more efficient manufacturing process.
Using image processing, Deep learning and AI technologies, InduSafe GmbH can easily digitize manufacturing processes in factories.
With the successful implementation of InduSafe AI solutions, the need for human labor for various manual tasks will be eliminated.
In addition, the active monitoring of work safety requirements through artificial intelligence (AI) will pave the way for further AI-based applications in order to promote the development towards Industry 4.0

Core Team

Mustafa Erol

Business Development & CEO

İlkin Hüseynzade

Product Development & COO

Eva Mühlebach

Marketing & Sales

Aygün Baltacı

Research & Innovation & CTO

Barış Külekçi

Sales Manager & CSO